Anelia Milbrandt
Sr. Research Analyst, Bioenergy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Anelia Milbrandt is a senior researcher at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory with more than 20 years of domestic and international experience in bioenergy and waste-to-energy research and project management.
Anelia leads technical work related to waste resources evaluation, including analysis on their availability, competing uses, economic potential and market opportunities. She led and contributed to groundbreaking research that quantified and mapped waste resources below the national level and at a fine geographic resolution for the first time.
Anelia manages the Waste-to-Energy Technical Assistance Program for State, Local and Tribal Governments on behalf of DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office. In this role, she coordinates partnerships with communities, provides technical expertise and oversees contributions from other NREL staff to support entities in exploring alternative waste management options.